This is us!

These are the highlights of our Christmas performance on 14/12/22. This is only our second performance ever (we’re still a very new group!)


  • Unfortunately, that’s what lots of people say. They think that they can’t sing; some men might think that singing isn’t “manly”; and so on.

    In fact the opposite is true. Singing with other people is hugely fun, incredibly social and the easiest thing to get into: the only thing you need is to turn up and walk through the door. Not only that, but real science has proven that it lowers stress, improves your mood, memory and breathing.

  • The group meets from 7.15pm for a 7.30pm - 9.45pm rehearsal every Wednesday in school term time.

    The venue is a large, airy, central space in the city. It has plenty of ventilation.

    At the moment, the address for the venue is provided once you tell us that you’d like to try the group out. This is because we want to ensure that every who attends has seen and agreed to our Covid policy in advance.

  • All new singers get a free first session, after which you can pay weekly for a while (at a suggested rate of £10 per session) whilst you decide if you like the group or not. After that, we charge a termly subscription fee.

    Pay what you can afford

    In these challenging financial times, people who are on low wages, who are unemployed or who are simply finding it tough to pay for the things they want to do can pay whatever they can afford. There are no questions asked, and no proof is required.

  • It’s for anyone and everyone who likes the sound of what we do and would like to take part.

    There are no auditions. You do not need to read music. You don’t need to have been in a choir before. You don’t even need to have done any singing before.

    Songs - in several harmony parts - are taught ‘by ear’, meaning that the choir leader sings each part a few words at a time, and the choir listens and repeats. You’d be amazed how quickly the group can sound good using this method!

  • There’s no-one that it’s not for!

    That said, if you’re a super mega advanced choir singer then whilst we we would love to have you, the group might not feel quite right (… but you probably know that already).

    In addition, long term participation usually requires that singers can roughly ‘match pitch’. A very, very small number of people are genuinely unable to get the hang of this (for the vast majority of people it's just a matter of practice), and this can be a challenge for long term membership.

  • We sing ‘a cappella’ - that means, typically without any instruments; just our voices. We will usually sing three and four part harmony arrangements.

    The leader, Philip, sings each part a few notes at a time, and the group listens and repeats. You’ll be amazed how fast you can progress and the group will be singing fabulous songs in harmony in no time!

  • Typically, a bit of everything. As a general rule, there will be very little “classical” music - this isn’t a choral society. We will song lots of groove-oriented, funky pop music; songs from around the world; some interesting traditional vocal music… and lots more!

  • Nope. You can come whenever you wish. There is no pressure to come at any time.

  • No. It is likely that in time the group will do some performances, but no individual will be under any pressure to perform if they don’t want to.

  • I’m glad you asked!

    We have a full Covid Policy here. All singers must read and agree to fully comply with our Covid Policy before attending.

  • Take a look here.